

The federal government mandates that students who withdraw or fail to complete all classes within a term of enrollment may only keep the financial aid they have “earned” up to the time of withdrawal. 任何不劳而获的援助,即使已经发放,也必须退还.

Federal financial aid funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. 学生因任何原因退课, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that they were originally scheduled to receive. 如果学生获得了第四章的经济援助, 该计划的退款必须根据联邦第四章资金返还政策进行计算. 第四章退款(第四章计算)是基于学期参加的天数, 除以每学期的总天数(减去任何至少五天的计划休息时间). 根据联邦法规,资金将存入财政援助计划账户.


  • 联邦无补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦直接附加贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG)
  • 任何其他联邦拨款计划


在支付期或入学期的60%点之后, 学生已经获得了该学生在此期间计划获得的第四章资金的100%. 对于在60%的时间点之后取款的学生来说,没有未赚的资金.

计算60%的入学期限, HSU counts the number of days from the first day of class until the last date a student was enrolled and compares that to the total calendar days of their scheduled enrollment for the term. 这包括上课的第一天到考试的最后一天, 包括周末和节假日, 不包括任何至少连续五天的预定休息.

Hardin-Simmons大学 is required to return a portion of federal aid if a student withdraws on or before completing 60% of the semester.


澳门皇冠赌场平台不需要签到, 因此当一个退学的学生, 不提供通知, 来自一所不需要出勤的学校, 学校必须确定退课日期 不迟于30天 (1)缴费期或入学期(视情况而定)结束后, (2)学年, 或者(3)学生的教育计划. 34 CFR 668.22(j)(2)


  1. 官方取款 -学生退出所有课程应联系 注册处 开始正式退出. 这就确定了一个正式的撤军日期.
  2. 非官方的撤军 – If a student who began attendance and who has not officially withdrawn and fails to earn a grade in at least one course offered over an entire period, 会被认为是第四章的非正式撤回吗. HSU将确定非正式的抽签日期 不迟于30天 (1)缴费期或入学期(视情况而定)结束后, (2)学年, 或者(3)学生的教育计划. 34 CFR 668.22(j)(2)

标题四的计算是基于学生完成注册的时间.  就第四章而言,最后到校日期为下列日期之一:

  • 正式退出程序在注册办公室开始的日期
  • 学生以其他方式提供其退学意向的正式通知的日期(1).e.(信件、电子邮件、面谈). 在所有情况下, 学生应被转介到注册办公室完成正式的退学程序.
  • 出席学术相关活动的最后记录日期(如.e.(在课堂或实验室的出勤记录或在线课程的作业提交).

Federal regulations state that you must attend class and successfully complete the course in order to be eligible for financial aid. 学生必须积极追求并成功完成他们所注册的学期.  如果学生退课或被报不上课, 经济援助可能需要重新计算,因为学生可能不再有资格获得最初授予的金额.


根据联邦法规, 如果学生在付款期内至少有一门课程未能获得及格成绩, 学校必须假定学生有 非正式地撤回 除非有文件证明学生完成了这段时间.

  1. 不出席通知将由教师,注册主任或咨询中心发起.  财政援助将通过硬拷贝或电子邮件或通过学生参与办公室收到不出席通知.  此通知将发送给财政援助主任.
  2. 学生将在长期课程结束时进行评估,以确定是否完成了该学期.  学生必须完成至少一个学时才能完成学期.  因缺勤而以F结尾的学期将需要进行R2T4计算.
  3. 如果未确定不出席日期(如上文第1条所述), 50%(学期中点)将用于计算回报.  The regulations provide that the percentage of Title IV aid that is earned by the student is equal to the period completed by the student, 这段时间应该确定吗.  值得注意的是,“60%”规则仍然适用. 如果确定的时间段大于60%, then the student is considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV aid but only if a non-attendance date can be determined and verified; otherwise, 财政援助办公室被要求使用50%.
  4. Student will be notified by the Director of Financial 援助 regarding the possible return of funds at the first notification of non-attendance and then again after mid-term progress reports are generated.
  5. The refund calculations will be done no earlier than the last day of class and no later than 3 business days after final grades are posted.  所有支付给相关实体的款项将被退回,并保留在学生账户上.  信件将寄给退还资金的学生.  资金的返还可能会在学生账户上产生到期的余额.  Students owing balances will not be allowed to receive transcripts or register for future terms until the balance has been cleared.



  1. 财政援助办公室确定是否已授予第四章援助. 如果是,则在COD中计算R2T4.
  2. 未满注册期限60%的, a pro rate schedule must be used to determine the amount of Title IV funds that a student has earned at the time of withdrawal.
  3. 在入学期的60%点之后,学生已经获得了100%的第四章资金.
  4. 参加的天数除以支付期内的天数.
  5. 未满注册期限60%的, a pro rate schedule must be used to determine the amount of Title IV funds that a student has earned at the time of withdrawal.  在入学期的60%点之后,学生已经获得了100%的第四章资金.
  6. Official Return to Title IV procedure calculations are initiated by Director of Financial 援助 (or assigned delegate) via pro rata refund software approved by the Department of Education.
  7. 财务援助总监(或指定的代表)在COD中完成退款工作表.
  8. Director of Financial 援助 (or assigned delegate) places holds on student account to prevent any credit refunds from being issued should disbursements have already been made.  请注意退款计算金额.
  9. 学生被告知他/她必须完成退出咨询.  退出咨询可在网上找到 http://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/
  10. 学生将收到一份通知,通知他/她需要退还的金额.


如果学生在退学之日接受了第四章资助, 但是财政援助还没有发放, 学生可能有资格获得提款后的付款. 如果支付给学生的金额少于学生的收入, 并且学生在其他方面符合资格, 他或她有资格获得未收到的已获得援助的取款后付款. 在这种情况下, 必须进行R2T4计算,以确定学生是否有资格获得提款后付款. HSU必须在学生退学后30个日历日内做出决定.


  1. 学生必须达到“满意的学业进展”.
  2. 学生必须在退学日期前接受第四项贷款.
  3. If, 在学生退出日期之前,贷款要约已被接受, 贷款也必须是由HSU发起的. 除非学生已接受贷款,否则本校不会发放贷款.
  4. 如果学生有资格获得提款后的贷款支付, the Financial 援助 Office must send notification of post-withdrawal disbursement eligibility to students within 30 calendar days after the student withdraws. 学生将有至少14个日历天的时间来回复提款后的付款通知.
  5. HSU will disburse any Title IV grant funds a student is due as part of a post-withdrawal disbursement within 45 calendar days of the date HSU determined the student withdrew and disburse any loan funds a student accepts by the post withdrawal disbursement deadline within 180 calendar days of the withdrawal date. 学校必须取得学生的书面许可,才可发放贷款.
  6. A school cannot make a post-withdrawal disbursement to a deceased student or a student who has not signed the loan’s promissory note. 贷款本票必须在学生接受贷款前签署. 学生退出后不能接受贷款.
  7. 如果学生在验证, 这必须在退出之日起120个日历日内完成.


联邦法规要求大学确定具体的比例, 如果有任何, 该学生的经济援助中的一部分将退还给该学生参加的经济援助计划.  归还联邦资金的优先顺序是:

  • 联邦无补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦直接附加贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG)
  • 任何其他联邦拨款计划

如果学生只完成了60%或更少的付款期或学期就离开了机构, 金融援助办公室重新计算第四章基金的资格. 重新计算是基于获得的援助的百分比,使用以下联邦第四章资金返还公式:

  • 付款期或期限完成的百分比=到提款日为止完成的天数除以付款周期或期限内的总天数. (任何五天或五天以上的休息都不计算在学期的天数中.)这个百分比也是获得援助的百分比.
  • 根据以下公式,资金将根据非无偿援助的百分比返还给相应的联邦计划:
  • 归还援助 = (100% of the aid that could be disbursed minus the percentage of earned aid) multiplied by the total amount of aid that could have been disbursed during the payment period or term.
  • 学生在本学期的60%点“赚取”了100%的第四章基金, 但是在这种情况下,财政援助办公室也需要进行计算.  A student receiving all “F’s” due to nonattendance is withdrawn using the R2T4 50% rule if no date of last attendance can be determined.

Federal law and university policy dictate that calculated amounts to be returned to the respective programs when a withdraw occurs. 因此,退出可能意味着部分或全部联邦、州或机构援助的损失.

  • Unfunded institutional awards (HSCH awards) will be prorated by the same amount as tuition for the first 24 days of the enrollment period.
  • TEG将与西蒙斯交换补助金交换,并按比例支付前24天的学费.
  • 24天后, 由于学费保持在100%,学生可以获得100%的非资助机构奖励金额. 然而, 在办理退学手续后,学生不能因机构援助而获得学分退款.
  • 也, a refund may occur when eligible federal aid is due in the term but has not been disbursed to the student account at the time of withdrawal.  这允许支付没有获得学分的课程.  然而, 在退款期间,退出学生的剩余资助不得从机构奖励中产生学分余额.
  • 此外,授予教授的奖金可能希望重新分配 部门的奖学金 对于其他学生,在这种情况下,退学学生的奖励可能会被撤销. 这一行动不是财政援助办公室的特权.



入学日 % BO学费退款 机构(非资助)援助的调整
第一天 100% 拒绝援助
第一天之后 没有一个 没有一个


入学日 % BO学费退款 机构(非资助)援助的调整
第一天 & 两个 100% 拒绝援助
第三天 90% 90%
第四天 & 五个 80% 80%
第六天 & 七个 70% 70%



% BO学费退款 机构(非资助)援助的调整
第一天 & 两个 100% 拒绝援助
第三天-第八天 90% 90%
第9天-第16天 70% 70%
第17 - 24天 50% 50%


Any student receiving Title IV financial aid is advised to speak with a financial aid officer when attempting to withdraw from the University.  This is to ensure that the correct amount owed to each financial aid program is determined and returned as soon as possible.

任何获得学生贷款的学生必须在退学时完成贷款退出咨询.  Due to this requirement Hardin-Simmons will hold a student’s transcripts and all other information for release from the University until exit counseling has been confirmed.  贷款退出咨询可以在互联网上完成 http://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/



HSU will return funds on behalf of a student who owes a Title IV grant overpayment and consider the returned funds as the student’s debt to the institution. HSU商务办公室将决定学校是否与学生签订还款协议.

退学也可能影响未来的经济援助资格. 学生可选择以下其中一种方式来支付未偿余额:

  • 支付全部余额
  • 安排付款